“After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music.”
Aldous Huxley
About the Folk Shop....
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The Folk Shop has been in business in Tucson, Arizona since 1986. The store was originally founded by B.L. Anderson and was situated in a small, humble location in the 4th Avenue Shopping District (well known for their two annual street fairs and ex-Bohemians-turned capitalists).
In 1991, the store was purchased by its previous owner, Paul Blumentritt. The next few years brought growth to the business and by the time 1995 was over, they found themselves in a big, bright, beautiful setting in mid-town, where the Folk Shop happily continues.
They were able to disguise the odors of new carpet and fresh paint and replace it with the wonderful aromas of vintage cases, old calfskin heads, and dust bunnies the size of golf balls. They also managed, quite successfully, to fill the store from top to bottom, and side to side, with just about every imaginable instrument. The Folk Shop continues to take pride in the diversity of vintage and world instruments in stock.
In July of 2016 Paul and Brenda retired and the store is now under the ownership of Milo Solujic. Milo is a fixture of the Tucson music community and has had a successful bluegrass radio show going on 38+ years.
The Folk Shop has been legendary for its banjos but we are also constantly looking for old guitars, mandolins, ukuleles, fiddles and many old musical treasures no matter how eclectic. There is even a room dedicated solely to ukuleles! One thing that has been a constant through the years is a passionate, dedicated staff. Although the Folk Shop has now had several owners over these past 37+ years (can you believe it?) you can rest assured that the things you love about the Folk Shop still remain!
One of the aspects of the store that has grown in recent years is our instrument repair service. We work on a wide range of instruments, and we are not afraid to take on "funky" jobs that others may turn away. In most cases there is no charge for an estimate and our turn around time is speedier than most!
We continue to buy and sell and love interesting trades and consignments; most of all, we love talking about music, the instruments, and the people who play them.

Owner/El Jefe
Milo has been the proud owner of The Folk Shop since 2016. You may know him from his bluegrass radio show on KXCI (for 38+ years!), from his active role in the Tucson Folk Festival, or as a musician around Tucson!

Retail Goddess
Artist, hippie chick with no musical ability (except to applaud and whistle) Merricat brings lots of retail experience as well as an enthusiastic approach to ukulele. She is an excellent curator of percussion instruments and weird stuff.

Operations Wiz, Ethnomusicologizer
Chris came to the Folk Shop in 2018 and is the friendly, knowledgeable face you often see when seeking out sales or service. He brings a keen interest in traditional music and knowledge of many instruments--lots of which he can play!

Talented Technician
Cameron is the Folk Shop's newest staff person. He brings valuable repair experience with a top luthier, and is passionate and talented at his craft. When he is not hiding in the back room, you may just see him.

Mighty Wind Refugee, Renaissance Woman
Lili popped into our store last year and asked if she could apprentice. We are glad we took her up on it! She is now a paid, part-time, multi-talented and valued employee .

Occasional Folk Shop Ghost
Wally worked at the Folk Shop for 9 years until going into "semi-retirement" but puts in an appearance from time to time.